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These kits require forming and soldering, all machining has been completed for you.

Each kit comes will a full set of instructions with over 30 pages of pictures, diagrams and text detailing how to form and assemble your loco.

For advanced kits, the inside port block/cylinder unit comes as a 'loose assembly' with pistons and valves in place ready for you to check over and seal. For outside cylinders, the main cylinder will be a machined assembly with a piston, and a separate etching to form the cylinder wrapper.

Each kit contains all the screws, 'o' rings, nuts, rivets, springs, wires, pipes and a pressure gauge to complete the loco. The boiler is pre-built, tested, and will come with a construction certificate.

The work will involve forming sheet metal, drilling pilot holes out to size, tapping threads into holes, and the use of soft and silver solder.

Replacements for individual components can be supplied, providing they are returned to us to identify issues. For etched items and laser cut pieces there will be a small charge depending on the size of part required. Whitemetal castings returned to us with stamped addressed packaging will be free.


For all our customers we are happy to answer any build queries over the phone or via email. We offer soldering and forming lessons in our workshop a few times a year, so keep an eye on our News page for the latest dates.

 We understand that things can go wrong, and very small parts can get easily lost, so spare parts for all our kits can be purchased separately

GW City Of Truro

Int difficulty 3.png

Unpowered £1,853
Spirit £2,850

3 Variations Available in our redesign!

Atbara class

Flower class

City class


Twin cylinder
Driving wheel Axle pump

Sprung suspension


Whitemetal castings are being updated to brass

Internal motion is being updated to meet our current standards


New batch: Tender complete feb 2024

Three loco prototypes are now progressing

Pay your deposit to secure your loco today!

LBSC Atlantic

Int difficulty 4.png

Unpowered £1,918
Spirit £2,950

Coal £3,200

Twin cylinder
Driving wheel Axle pump

Sprung suspension

GNR or LBSC Versions available


New batch: Pack 1 sent april 2024

Pay a deposit to secure your kit today!


Unpowered £1,853

Spirit £2,850

Ready to run £6,555

Twin cylinder
Driving wheel axle pump
Sprung wheels
Length: 448mm over buffers
Weight: 5Kg estimated



 Kit production starts september 2024


Int difficulty 3.png

Unpowered £1,771
Spirit £2,725

Dual fuel £2,875

Twin cylinder
Driving wheel Axle pump

Sprung axleboxes

Outside cylinders
Coal loco is dual fuel, so can run on meths or coal


100% complete


difficulty 1.png

Unpowered £2,048
Spirit £3,250

Twin cylinder
Outside Walshaerts
Driving wheel Axle pump
Length: 647mm
Weight: 5Kg estimated


KIT STATUS: 90%, awaiting final boiler and walshaerts platework

Johnson 2F

Unpowered £1,598

Spirit £2,450

R-T-R £5,635

Twin cylinder
Driving wheel Axle pump
Length: 510mm
Weight: 3.5-4Kg estimated


Small batch being produced in the next 12 months


difficulty 2.png

Unpowered £2,044

Spirit £3,145

Coal £3,345

R-T-R S£7,234

R-T-R C£7,694

Twin cylinder
Driving wheel Axle pump

4000gallon tender

GW OR BR options available
Weight: 5Kg estimated


Small batch being produced over the next 12 months

Dean Goods

Unpowered £1,593
Spirit £2,450

R-T-R £5,635

2500g or 3000g tender

Round top or Belpair firebox design

Twin cylinder
Driving wheel Axle pump
Length: 510mm
Weight: 3.5-4Kg estimated

Small Bach being produced to order over the next 12 months

GW Manor

Int difficulty 2.png

Unpowered £1,927

Spirit £2,965

R-T-R £6,990

Twin cylinder
Driving wheel axle pump

Sprung suspension and self centering bogie


Small batch being porduced to order over the next 12 months

LMS Black 5

Unpowered £1,983

Spirit  £3,050

R-T-R £ 7,250


Twin cylinder

All components ready machined

Axlepump and handpump as standard



Small batch being produced in 2026

difficulty 1.png

NEW -- BR 9F

Aproximate prices:

R-T-R electric £5,230

R-T-R Spirit £8,000

R-T-R Coal £8,600​

Twin cylinder

All components ready machined

Axlepump and handpump as standard​


This loco will be designed over the next 2 years, ready for kits late 2026


More info will be added as the design progresses

difficulty 4.png
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